
Just My Luck - Chapter 6

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

“Niall! I’m going to Liam’s flat. You coming?” I called from downstairs. He had been tuckered out after the past few dramatic days and spent most of them resting in bed and skipping a majority of the rehearsals. We had already postponed a series of our Glasgow and Dublin concerts as well as a few in London, and we were expected to come back with the flow of things next week. But if Niall continued to lazy around, he might not be able to attend our concert.


“No.” He groaned. “The stairs…too…far…”


I rolled my eyes. “Alright then. I won’t be gone for long, stay here and don’t get in any trouble.”


There was a long silence, followed by Niall popping up at the top of the stairs, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Can you bring back some Nando’s? I’m starving.”


“You just ate!”


“No I didn’t!” He said, leaning against the banister as if just standing up were too much of a task.


“You did, Niall. But fine.”


“Everybody seems to forget that I’m pregnant.” He grumbled, turning around to go back to his room. “Just bring me back some food!” he said from his bed. I sighed and slipped my coat over my shoulders, grabbing my keys and heading out the door. A chilly winter breeze tousled my hair in which I didn’t care to quiff this morning. I got in the car and drove down Bradford Street, then headed down the private road (also a shortcut) to Wolverhampton Pointe, where Liam’s flat was located. I parked the car next to his motorcycle and hopped out, jogging up the steps to reach his door.


I hoped we wouldn’t get in an argument this time. We haven’t had a civil conversation since last week.


I gave the wooden door three taps and rang the door bell, listening to it chime from the inside and waited for him to come to the door. After not much waiting, Liam opened the door, standing behind the screen door with a not too pleased look on his face. “What brings you here, Zayn?” He said, propping his elbow on the threshold. I looked up at the sun, then back at him.


“I just want to talk.”


“About what? If it’s Niall then I don’t—“


“Liam, you can’t avoid it forever. You haven’t even apologized to him yet.”


“Did too.” He remarked, standing back up and folding his arms across his chest.


“Well not properly. Can I come in? It’s breezy out here.”


Liam pursed his lips and shifted his weight to the other foot, not sure about whether or not to let me inside. Which was a shame. Just a few weeks ago I would have been able to walk in without asking…But I don’t want to admit that Niall is the cause of this. Because he isn’t.


The door finally opened after a few moments of quiet, and I stepped in. he held out his hand, waiting for me to give him my jacket so he could put it on the coat rack. I shook my head. “It’s fine. I won’t be here too long.”


He led me to the kitchen and we sat across from each other at the island counter. I sat there, not really saying anything while Liam shifted through the fridge in search of drinks. It had never been so…awkward and silent before.


He turned around, holding two bottles of Pepsi. “Thirsty?”


Though I wasn’t, I accepted one out of courtesy and popped off the lid with my car key.


“We need to come back together again. As a band.” I said to break the ice. He sat down and took a swig of his soda.


“We are a band.”


I tapped my nails against the cold glass of the Pepsi and sighed. “I know Liam. But as a band because we want to. Not as a band because we have to. We’ve been drifting apart, and fans are starting to notice. Louis doesn’t want anything to do with me, he doesn’t even want to be seen with Niall, and Harry doesn’t know anything, but he won’t talk to us either because Lou told him so. And you…Liam you just won’t do what’s needed to be done. Niall needs someone, and I don’t think little old me is sufficient enough.”


Liam sighed a shaky sigh. “I’ve just been real miserable lately. I can’t bring myself to apologize. Not because I don’t want to. I really am sorry. But I just…I just can’t do it.”


“Is it because he’s pregnant?”


Liam frowned. “No, no, that would be silly.”


“Then why won’t you do it?”


He shrugged. “Just not ready, I guess.”


“It’s been long enough, Liam. I’ll take you over there to tell him today.”




“Liam. What needs to be done needs to be done.” I said tiredly, swallowing some of my soda. He looked at me wearily and tapped the glass against the hard counter top, the empty bottle making a hollow ting sound.


“Alright.  I guess I’ll go. And Zayn?”


“Yes, Liam?”

“I think it’s time for me to say sorry to you too. And I am. I’m really truly sorry for harming Niall and yelling at you. I can tell you feel fatherly towards those little ones.”


I smiled and gave him a brotherly shoulder squeeze. “Thanks, lad.”








*Niall’s P.O.V.*


I was watching TV when the door finally opened downstairs.


Finally. I thought. He better be back with my Nando’s.


I waited for him to come upstairs to bring me my food. Instead, he called me to come downstairs.


“No!” I said stubbornly, wiggling deeper under the warm covers. He knew I hated getting up out of bed.


“Someone’s here to talk to you.” He said.


“Well then send them up here!” I called back, switching the channels on the TV. A newscast about us had come on. With my eyes wide, I watched anxiously at what they had to say. The anchor woman pointed at a group picture of us, and began to talk.


“Welcome to POP TV, I’m your host, Anna Masley here with news on the world’s biggest boy band, One Direction. One Direction kicked off their 2013 tour months ago, but multiple concerts have come to a halt over in Europe. Why? You may say. Rumor has it that these five cuties have been drifting apart, due to Irish member Niall Horan causing problems. What those problems may be, the world might never know. What do the fans have to say?”


The screen showed a cut back, where multiple interviewers were rolling footage of fans stating how they felt about this problem.


“Niall used to be my favorite! But then he started to ruin it. I was really looking forward to that concert, but now I have to wait because of some problems he was causing?” A brunette girl said, looking puffed up proud to be on camera. “I don’t think so. He doesn’t even deserve to be in the band.” She added, flipping her hair and popping her freshly glossed lips. It hurt to hear the words come out of her mouth. But I couldn’t stop watching.


“What is Niall doing that could cause so many concerts to be postponed? Like, I mean, that must be like, pretty serious. Ya’ know? ‘Cause like he must be pretty selfish to do that.” One blonde fan said. Her other friend nodded. “Yeah,” she chimed in. “He should just leave if he’s going to ruin it for all of us.”


“Should Niall Horan quit his career? We think so. And get this, Directioners! Louis Tomlinson tweeted just last night something that may shock you. His tweet read: ‘What do you have to say to the world about this? Niall_Official’. Along with the tweet, he attached the following picture.”


On the screen was my Ultra Sound from when he barged into my hospital room. Why would he do such a thing? Anna Masley said. “Tweet us your opinion!”


“Turn that trash off.” Liam said from where he stood in the doorway. I clicked the power button, my eyes still wide and stinging. Not just from gazing at the TV, but from the tears too. I shook my head, not able to understand why they would be so harsh on me.


“It hurts.” I told Liam. “It hurts really bad.”


Liam came to sit on my bed. I pulled the covers up to my chin, still staring at the now blank TV screen.


“I know, Nialler.” He reached over to me and patted me on the back, sliding his hand in slow, comforting circles. “It hurts me too.”


“Why do they have to do me like that? Talk about me so harshly…when all I did was…was…”


“You did nothing wrong, Niall, it’s just some people don’t know how to deal with things. Some people are very self centered and conceited because they’re jealous and don’t know what their heart is for.”


I sat silently, leaning my head on his shoulder, feeling the now all-too familiar feeling of hot tears streaming down my face. “I want it to stop,” I whispered. “I want them to know that I didn’t do anything wrong.”


“You have to tell them the truth, Niall.”


I winced and shook my head. “But I can’t do that! It’ll only make my life more miserable than it already is.”


“Listen, Niall. You’re one of the greatest lads I know, and I want you to know that. I’m sorry for almost killing you and your babies, and I’m sorry for ignoring you. I hope that’ll clear things up a bit. Now, we have an interview tomorrow at noon. I expect for you to take that chance to let out everything the world needs to know. Including you being pregnant.”


I was uneasy about this. I was uneasy about everything. But nonetheless, I nodded. “Okay.”


“Don’t let words bring you down, Niall. You’re one very special proof of a miracle.”






*Liam’s P.O.V*


Zayn and Niall had come back with me to my flat, because it was much closer to the interview location than over where Zayn lived in Bradford. After making breakfast, I crept up to Niall’s room so I could wake him. I knocked on the door softly Zayn and Niall had come back with me to my flat, because it was much closer to the interview location than over where Zayn lived in Bradford. After making breakfast, I crept up to Niall’s room so I could wake him. I knocked on the door softly, causing the already ajar door to swing open a little. The sun shone through his window, illumination his blonde hair. I watched him sleep peacefully, his back rising and lowering with his slow, exhausted breathing. It pained me to have to wake him up, but we had an interview today. Just an interview for the rest of us, but quite a big interview for Niall. Today he got to tell the world his secret.


“Niall,” I said softly, walking over to his bedside and laying a hand on his shoulder. “It’s time to get up, lad. I made breakfast, and the others will be over here in just a few minutes.”


Niall sighed, still sleeping, and nestled his head deeper into his pillow. “I don’t want to,” he murmured quietly, rolling over slowly to face the other direction.


“C’mon, Nialler. You have an interview today,” I said, trying to remain patient and maintain my soft tone.


“Mm-mm.” He refused again, drawing the covers over his head. “Go away.” He groaned.


“Okay, fine. We’ll eat your breakfast, then.” I said, knowing that it would normally catch his attention. He stiffened a moment, then continued breathing, still sleeping.


Finally giving up, I exited his room and back down the stairs as soon as the door bell rang. I opened the door, greeted by Harry, Louis, and Zayn. “Is Niall up?” Harry asked as he stepped inside, shucking off his jacket and laying it over the couch.


“No, not yet. Mind waking him up for me? He’s being stubborn.” I said, flopping down on the plush sofa.


“Okay!” Harry said, dashing up the stairs.


“Don’t pull anything funny!” Zayn called after him. With no reply coming back from Harry, I figured he pretended not to hear him. Zayn looked suspicious as he heard the bath water faucet turn on, then back off, but he shrugged it away and wandered to the kitchen.


“You made breakfast?” Louis asked, following Zayn into the kitchen.


“Yup, you can eat as much as you want. Teach Niall to wake up when he’s s’posed to.” I told them.


“CRIKEY!” Niall yelled from upstairs, followed by Harry’s echoes of laughter. “COLD, COLD, COLD, COLD! HARRY, YOU BASTARD!” he shouted. Resorting to the cold bucket of water. Well done, Hazza. I thought, getting up to grab a dry towel from the bathroom then heading upstairs.


Harry was doubled over, clutching his gut from too much laughter. “Oh, oh, that was priceless!” He laughed, his body shaking in hysterics.


“No it wasn’t.” Niall pouted, gratefully accepting the dry towel to wrap around his shivering, soaked body.


“Well at least you’re up. We have an interview in two hours, get ready.”


“Well I can’t get dressed if you two are standing there, go on!” Niall snapped, hugging the fluffy towel closer to him. I walked with Harry (who had finally stopped laughing) down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Louis and Zayn were already cleaning up.


“Where’s my food?” Harry whined, opening the fridge and scavenging for something to eat.


“Snooze you lose.” Louis laughed.


“But I wasn’t snoozing!” He countered, pulling a box of cereal from a cabinet. “Hey, do you have any Tac-o’s?” He asked, still rummaging through the cabinets.


“Ah, that’s disgusting. Do they even make those?” Zayn asked.


“Of course they do! In China.”


“Well we don’t live in China. We live in England.” Louis stated.


“Doesn’t mean we can’t import any!”


“Whatever, Harry. We don’t have any Tac-o’s.” Zayn concluded, handing him a clean bowl. “You’re going to have to eat the Wheaties.”


“Where’s the spoons?” Harry asked slowly.


“We don’t have any.” I answered, offering him a fork.


“I can’t use a fork for cereal, Liam!” Harry whined. I went over to the cabinet, grabbed him to glasses. Then I poured the milk in one glass, and some cereal in the other.


“There. Problem solved.” I said. Harry reluctantly downed the milk, and shook some of the Wheaties into his mouth.


“This week, I’m buying you some spoons.” He said through a mouthful of cereal.


“No, no, no, I fare just fine without them.” I insisted.


“I think Niall needs to be checked up on, he hasn’t come—“


“WHERE’S THE FREAKING PILLS!?” Niall shouted from the upstairs bathroom, followed by a series of gagging and vomiting.


“I left them at my flat…” Zayn said, guiltily biting his lip.

“Pills for what?” Harry asked.




“His virus.” I said. “Nasty little thing, it is.”


“He still has that? I thought he was feeling better?” Harry questioned, taking his cups to the sink.


“Well he was. But it came back.” Zayn filled in.


“WHERE ARE MY PILLS!?” Niall yelled again. “GIVE THEM TO ME!”


“Anybody wanna walk in on him barfing his guts up and give him a glass of water?” I asked, filling up a glass.


To my surprise, Louis was the first to volunteer. “I owe it to him, anyway.”


He left the kitchen, leaving us three in silence. “I’ve never seen Niall so sick. You’d reckon it was cancer,” Harry laughed, sweeping his curls out of his eyes.


I looked at Zayn, and mouthed, “He still doesn’t know?”


Zayn shook his head. Nope.


“Lads!” I called upstairs. “Hurry up! We’ve only got ten minutes!”


Louis showed up at the top of the stairs, helping Niall down. I blinked, my eyes not moving away from the small bump that had slightly begun to protrude from between his hips. It wasn’t that obvious, but considering how much time us four spent with Niall, we could tell that there was something different. I looked to Zayn, who said nothing. Just looked away.


“I’m coming, I’m coming. No thanks to you guys.” Niall moaned, pulling on his high tops and sweater. All three of us stood up simultaneously, Zayn and I lost for words. Why haven’t I noticed it before?


We all gathered in the van, Louis and Zayn sandwiching Niall between them, putting their arms around the back of his seat, while Harry and I sat up front, Paul driving. I twisted my head to look at Niall, giving him a you okay? Look. He nodded, and then grumbled, “Just wish you would’ve brought the pills.”



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